Q. What is the address of Adult Resource Alliance?
The Adult Resource Alliance is located on the northwest corner of 15th Street West & Avenue D. Parking is available on the west side of the building, on Avenue D and 15th Street West.
The Adult Resource Alliance is accessible by MET Route 3D-15th Street West. There is a bus stop on the corner of Avenue D and 15th Street West, adjacent to the Alliance.
Q. Who is eligible for the Alliance’s programs and services?
For most of our programs and services, an adult must be at least 60 years of age. For our Senior Lunch Program, if an adult is under 60 but their spouse is older, the adult is also eligible. Anyone may enjoy a meal at one of our eleven meal sites. If an adult is under 60 years of age, each meal is $7.00 instead of the recommended $5.00 donation.
In addition to serving seniors, The Resource Center provides services to physically disabled individuals 18 and older. To be eligible for the Minor Home Repair Program, an adult must be at least 62 years of age.
Q. Where can I find a computer to send e-mails and access the internet?
The Adult Resource Alliance has a computer center with printer, internet and email access available at no cost. Check out our Senior News publication for computer classes available for a nominal charge at some of our senior centers.
Q. What activities and events are happening at the Adult Resource Alliance?
Our free monthly publication, Prime Connections, is also a good choice to discover pertinent information regarding our senior centers, meal sites, Meals on Wheels and activities and events.
Q. What are the charges for your services?
With a couple of exceptions, our services and programs are either available on a recommended donation basis or are available at no charge. The Resource Center, which does not charge for its services, may suggest a service agency that has an associated cost. We certainly appreciate donations to help us cover the costs for our services. We do not deny services to someone if he/she is unable to make a donation.
Q. How often are your services available?
Services may be used as often as needed and lunch meals may be enjoyed five days a week if desired. If an adult qualifies for our Meals on Wheels Program, they may stay on the program as long as the assistance is needed. We encourage adults who no longer need Meals on Wheels to attend one of our meal sites.
There is no limit to the number of times our services may be used either through the The Resource Center for information and assistance or with the AVP staff about volunteer opportunities.
Q. Is a membership required at a senior center to enjoy a noon meal?
No, membership is not required, but reservations must be made at least one day in advance. The noon meals are provided through our Adult Resource Alliance’s Senior Lunch Program.
Q. Are other lunch options available besides a full course meal?
We also offer a featured monthly salad at our meal sites in Billings and Laurel that can be ordered in lieu of the daily meal. The recommended donation for individuals 60 and over is $5.00 per meal. The cost for younger individuals is $7.00.
Q. Can I attend any senior center regardless of where I live?
You may attend any one of the six senior centers in the county. Each senior center has its own personality so feel free to attend more than one until you find the “perfect fit”. Many of the centers have a nominal annual membership fee which allows its members to enjoy other activities at the center such as classes and movies. You do not need to be a member at a center to enjoy the noon meal provided by the Adult Resource Alliance.
Q. Can I join in on a trip even though I do not live in Yellowstone County?
Seniors residing in Yellowstone County are given preference but if room is available, residents from other counties may take one of our trips.
Q. What funding does the Adult Resource Alliance?
The Adult Resource Alliance receives the following funding. Federal – 21% State – 14% County – 37% Service contributions from program participants and clients – 17% Donations through fundraising – 7% Grants and other revenue through newsletter advertising and trips – 4%
Q. I am interested in making a donation to the Alliance. What percentage of the organization’s funding goes toward administration costs? Eighty-seven percent (87%) of the funding that the Adult Resource Alliance receives goes directly toward providing programs and services. Nine percent (9%) of the funds are used for administration and four (4%) for fundraising activities.