Through the Meals on Wheels Program (MOW), a hot nutritious mid-day meal is delivered by volunteers Monday through Friday to homebound seniors 60 and older.
A contribution of $6.00 per meal is recommended. Meals are delivered in the Billings, Lockwood, Laurel, and Worden areas.
Meals on Wheels Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is eligible to receive Meals on Wheels?
To qualify, a participant must:
- Be over 60 years of age
- Live alone or with someone who is unable to cook 1 healthy meal per day
- Not drive and unable to take a cab or bus to a meal site
- Have health issues or unable to cook healthy meals
Are meals available during the weekends and for those who don’t qualify for Meals on Wheels?
Yes. Alliance at 1505 Ave. D has frozen meals available to purchase for weekends and holidays. We ask $4.50 for each meal. If you are still driving and do not qualify for Meals on Wheels, you are also eligible to purchase a meal. Frozen meals are also available for purchase on Fridays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm at our 1505 Ave D location.
How does someone sign up for this program?
If you or someone you know would benefit from Meals on Wheels, please contact the appropriate Meals on Wheels Coordinator (see below). After an initial assessment over the phone, they will schedule a time to meet with the senior in need to determine program eligibility. Program eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. Hospital social workers, case managers, doctors, and families also make referrals.
- Billings Program – Jaime & Stacy 259.9666 [email protected]
- Laurel Program – Mary 628.7571
- Worden Program – Janet 880.6061
Who delivers the meals and when are they delivered?
Meals are delivered by volunteers each weekday between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm. Volunteer drivers make sure that the program participants are doing well. If a change is noted in a participant’s condition, the volunteer immediately contacts the Meals on Wheels Coordinator who then contacts the participant’s family or friends.
Do you need to receive meals five days a week?
Yes. You may cancel your meal(s) if you will not be home for the day or out of town for several days. If your absence is only during the delivery time, you may leave a cooler with ice outside of your door/house, and the Meals on Wheels volunteer driver will place your meal in your cooler.
How can a meal be cancelled?
If a program participant wishes to cancel a meal, he/she needs to contact the appropriate Meal on Wheels Coordinator as soon as possible. If a meal is delivered and no one is at home, our volunteers and staff will contact family and/or friends of the Meals on Wheels participant. Also, a canceled meal that is not needed helps us save money by conserving food.
How long can meals be received?
The Meals on Wheels Program is intended to offer support for as long as needed. This support may be for a short time during an illness, after a hospital stay or for longer periods of time. Once a program participant is able to leave his/her home, he/she will be encouraged to attend a meal site.
How much do the meals cost?
To help us cover the cost of the program, there is a recommended donation of $6.00 per meal. Even though the Meals on Wheels Program depends on these donations, a seniors will not be denied service if they are unable to make a $6.00 contribution. We will make the program work for you.
Program participants receive a monthly statement between the first and tenth of each month. We encourage payment to be made by check in a sealed envelope. Please write the check payable to Alliance Meal on Wheels and send it to PO Box 20895, Billings, MT 59104.
What is included in a nutritious hot meal?
Meals on Wheels meals are well balanced, with no salt added, and a low-fat content. Each meal meets 1/3 of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for older adults. Meals are packaged in sealed trays that can be placed directly in the microwave or conventional oven for reheating.
How is the program funded?
Funding for this program includes dollars from the Older American Act, United Way of Yellowstone County, and recommended donations by program participants and private donations.